Sonntag, 31. Januar 2010

Journeys in 2009 & 2010

Hi guys,
just wanted to let you know, that we had a very blessed time on our journeys
to Portugal and Germany a few weeks ago and were able to visit the churches there.
It was good to see family again and to meet a lot of you guys.
We have really been enjoying to fellowship with those we've seen again after quite a while.
Also I have had a very encouraging and inspiring time at the origins conference.
Although we liked to be back in Germany we felt, that it was only temporary
and we were really glad to be back at home.
So later we are going to let you know what's new in 2010.
un abrazo

1 Kommentar:

  1. ha! wie lustig.. eine family aus unserer gemeinde war ebenfalls auf der Origins Konferenz! da waren bestimmt sehr viele Leute und ihr habt sie vermutlich nicht kennengelernt (familie Stolz).. hoffe ihr habt gute Impulse mitnehmen können! :)
